Monday 13 May 2013

Stars Homework

Some Homework for our Stars maths group (Eden, Macy, Harpar, Liam and Jayden)

- WALT add and subtract numbers to 5 using one hand.

Make up some word stories that involve numbers to 5 - children are only allowed to use one hand to find the answer.

Start easy e.g. Liam had 2 lollies, Jayden gave him 2 more how many lollies does Liam have now?
Write down 2 + 2 =

Also for - 2 + 3, 4 +1, 5 - 3, 4-2 etc

Next make it harder and take out the middle number

e.g Eden had 2 library books she went to the library and got some more out, now she has 4 how many books did Eden get out?

1 + _ = 4, 4 - _ = 2 etc

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