National Standards
The Ministry of Education have a set of standards that all primary school children should attain in Reading, Writing and Maths.
Here is a brief overview of what we are aiming to achieve with your child by their sixth birthday:
Working on at least 'Green' level texts.
Working on recording ideas and information for self and others.
Number & Algebra - Working mainly with numbers to 20
Here is a brief overview of what we are aiming to achieve with your child by their sixth birthday:
Working on at least 'Green' level texts.
- Can make simple inferences.
- Can read many Sight Words quickly.
- Can read many verbs, topic words, adjectives and adverbs.
- Has an understanding of speech bubbles and diagrams.
- Has an understanding of dialogue between speakers.
- Has an understanding how punctuation marks such as commas and speech marks affect reading.
Working on recording ideas and information for self and others.
- Can plan for writing using pictures.
- Can write simple sentences and some compound sentences independently.
- Can spell some key personal vocabularly and Sight Words independently.
- Can write at least three sentences independently.
Number & Algebra - Working mainly with numbers to 20
- Can count forwards to 20 and backwards from 20.
- Can say before/after numbers to 20.
- Can add two sets together by counting all objects.
- Can answer simple subtraction problems by counting backwards.
- Can continue AB and ABC repeating patterns.
- Can compare lengths, areas, capacities and weights of objects.
- Can sort objects by shape, size, colour or other characteristic.
- Can use simple prepositions and directions to locate objects.
- Can gather basic information and display it as a simple graph.
- Can talk about the information shown on a simple graph.
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