Thursday, 28 November 2013

Swimming is back!!

Swimming is back!!
Tuesdays 2pm-3pm

Children need to bring:
- Named togs
- Named towel
All in a named bag.

The finished products

Come in and see our awesome Bee Art! 


We will be doing a secret performance at the last Assembly of the year. Could you please start looking around for our clothes.

We need:

Girls - Black singlet and Black or White leggings

Boys - Black t shirt and Black shorts or pants.

Also if you have any spare tinsel could you bring it in too please!

Thanks :-)

P.S any big boxes/Christmas wrapping paper too :-)

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

iPads in reading

Today the Ladybugs read Seagull is Clever. The words we didn't know Miss Macartney put it on a dice and we shook the iPads to roll it. We learnt our words so fast! 

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Arahoe News

Today we featured on Arahoe News! Check out the link below and see if you can spot our talented actors and actresses.

Bee Art

This week we have been using paint to make a colourful bee!! We made sure it had a head, thorax and abdomin. We were careful not to mix the black and yellow. Once we were finished we walked around the class saying nice things like "I like this because..." And " good job.. " 

Goal met!!

Check our this smarty pants who has been coming to schol early to practise his reading and has now met his goal! Well done Leandro!!

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Well done Jay!

Well done Jay for getting our class certificate for his positive attitude and attention to detail in Art!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Symmetrical Bees

Today we made Bees that were symmetrical. We had to try really hard and look carefully at the other side to make them the same. 

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

The new playground

We are getting a new playground! We went out to see it before we used our 5 senses to write a story. We smelt the tyre foam, we looked at the equipment, we listened to the birds in the trees (that are in the middle if the playground! ) then we wrote about it by finishing the sentence " the playground has..."

The way it was

We read a book titled " The way it was"   We talked about what was different then and how it has changed now! One thing we noticed was the colour used to make photos look old. We learnt a new word- sepia! Here are some sepia photos of us reading. Do they make us look like we were in the olden days??

Monday, 18 November 2013

The Great Room 22 Maths Hunt

Today we had a great time on our maths hunt. We got to work in new groups with all different maths skills. 

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Check out this super listener

Leandro sat like this the whole way through the cultural exchange! Well done Leando!!

Writing about our weekend

Today we wrote about our weekend and shared it with the class! We had to manage our time wisely as we needed to do three things in a short amount of time; draw a picture, set up our book and write a story. Look/listen to the great job we did!

New Reading activities

Today we had some new reading activities! One was on the mimio where we played snakes and ladders but with words. The other was pick box reading! We really enjoyed lying down and reading our books. 

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Well done Room 22

Today an extra certificate was given at assembly by Mr Limbrick to Miss Macartney and Mrs Moorhouse ... They have issued out over 800 books for us to read this year!! The most in the whole school! They are the best. 

Certificate award goes to ...

Kayla! For excellent behaviour and always trying her best!!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Cultural Day

We watched lots of cultural performaces today! More photos and video to come..

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Fizz kids

This morning we had a great time in the Hall with Rachel from Fizz Kids. We did lots of activities to help us develop! Our favourite activity was when we got dizzy.  We can't wait for her to come back!
The photos will help us remember all the fun things we got to do...Make sure you ask us!

Monday, 11 November 2013

Bee facts Bee life cycle

Today we read some books about bees! We shared some fun facts about bees with the class. Did you know that a bumble be is the same shape as a jelly bean?!

We were also learning about the Life Cycle of a bee too . We learnt that this is the story of a bee from when it is born from an egg until it leaves as an adult bee. See if we can remember the story using the pictures and link below just like Bronagh did!